
NipeX Connect is a bi-monthly Newsletter intended to create awareness and provide regular updates to our Stakeholders on our activities at NipeX.

Kindly click on the links below to view any edition of NipeX Connect.

Volume 94, (March 2024 – April 2024 edition)

Accessing the NipeX System: Challenges of Transaction Lock and its Anti-Dote

Volume 93, (January 2024 – February 2024 edition)

Accessing the NipeX System: Reverse Auctions

Volume 92, (November 2023 – December 2023 edition)

Effective Ways to Maximize Tender Adverts on NipeX System

Volume 91, (September 2023 – October 2023 edition)

Key Points to Note on the Use of the NipeX System

Volume 90, (July 2023 – August 2023 edition)


Volume 89, (May 2023 – June 2023 edition)

The benefit of Product Code Addition

Volume 88, (March 2023 – April 2023 edition)

Who Published the Tender?

Volume 87, (January 2023 – February 2023 edition)

Common Errors while Navigating the NipeX System

Volume 86, (November 2022 – December 2022 edition)

Accessing the NipeX System

Volume 85, (September 2022 – October 2022 edition)

Anatomy Of A Tender Advert

Volume 84, (July 2022 – August 2022 edition)

The NipeX Tender Advert Process

Volume 83, (May 2022 – June 2022 edition)

Importance of The NipeX Tender Advert Review Process

Volume 82, (March 2022 – April 2022 edition)

Challenges of Transaction Lock And Its Anti-Dote

Volume 81, (January 2022 – February 2022 edition)

Overview of Renewal Of NipeX Subscription

Volume 80, (November 2021 – December 2021 edition)

Overview of NipeX Registration Process And The Consequences Of Late Submission of Bid in The Nipex Portal

Volume 79, (September 2021 – October 2021 edition)

Key Points to Note on The Use of the NipeX System

Volume 78, (July 2021 – August 2021 edition)

NipeX New Registration Process

Volume 77, (May 2021 – June 2021 edition)

Common Errors while Navigating the NipeX System

Volume 76, (March 2021 – April 2021 edition)

Accessing the NipeX System

Volume 75, (January 2021 – February 2021 edition)

Accessing the NipeX System

Volume 74, (March 2020 – April 2020 edition)

The Benefits Of Product Code Addition

Volume 73, (January 2020 – February 2020 edition)

The Challenge Of Product Codes And DPR Permits Selection

Volume 72, (November 2019 – December 2019 edition)

The Challenge Of Product Codes And DPR Permits Selection

Volume 71, (September 2019 – October 2019 edition)

Renewal Of NipeX Annual Subscription By Suppliers

Volume 70, (July 2019 – August 2019 edition)

2019 NipeX Extensive Awareness And Sensitization Workshop

Volume 69, (May 2019 – June 2019 edition)

Challenges of Transaction Lock And Its Anti-Dote

Volume 68, (March 2019 – April 2019 edition)

Benefits Of Prompt Renewal Of NipeX Subscription

Volume 67, (January 2019 – February 2019 edition)

Overview of NipeX Registration Process and the Consequences of Late Submission of Bid in the NipeX Portal

Volume 66, (November 2018 – December 2018 edition)

Challenges to Effective Bid Submission: Java Constraint

Volume 65, (September 2018 – October 2018 edition)

Navigating the NipeX System: Delaying Response to ITT

Volume 64, (July 2018 – Aug 2018 edition)

Accessing the NipeX System: Reverse Auctions

Volume 63, (May 2018 – June 2018 edition)

Common Errors while Navigating the NipeX System

Volume 62, (March 2018 – April 2018 edition)

Effective Way to Maximize Tender Adverts on NipeX System

Volume 61, (January 2018 – February 2018 edition)

GM, NipeX New Year Message

Volume 60, (November 2017 – December 2017 edition)

NipeX Customer Feedback Report

Volume 59, (September 2017 – October 2017 edition)

Practical Guide to Uploading Bids on SAP-SRM 7.0 in NipeX System

Volume 58, (July 2017 – August 2017 edition)

Practical Guide to Downloading RFP Bids on SAP-SRM 7.0 in NipeX System

Volume 57, (May 2017 – June 2017 edition)

Key Points to Note for Bids Response on NipeX System

Volume 56, (March 2017 – April 2017 edition)

Key Points to Note on the Use of NipeX System

Volume 55, (January 2017 – February 2017 edition)

Tips on Effective Navigation of NipeX System

Volume 54, (November 2016 – December 2016 edition)

NipeX Customer Feedback Report

Volume 53, (September 2016 – October 2016 edition)

Tips on Accessing New SAP-SRM 7.0 System

Volume 52, (July 2016 – Aug 2016 edition)

How to Respond to Bids on New SAP SRM 7.0

Volume 51, (May 2016 – June 2016 edition)

Policy of Excluding Errant Suppliers

Volume 50, (March 2016 – April 2016 edition)

Accessing NipeX SAP-SRM 7.0

Volume 49, (January 2016 – February 2016 edition)

GM’s Welcome Address For The New Year

Volume 48, (November 2015 – December 2015 edition)

Navigating the New NJQS Portal

Volume 47, (September 2015 – October 2015 edition)

NipeX Operations: JQS and eMarketplace

Volume 46, (July 2015 – August 2015 edition)

NipeX Operations: JQS and eMarketplace

Volume 45, (May 2015 – June 2015 edition)

Effective Use of NipeX Customer Service

Volume 44, (March 2015 – April 2015 edition)

NipeX Additional Service Offerings

Volume 43, (January 2015 – February 2015 edition)

Interview with NipeX IT Manager

Volume 42, (November 2014 – December 2014 edition)

NipeX User Satisfaction Survey

Volume 41, (September 2014 – October 2014 edition)

Key Points To Note On The Use Of The NipeX System

Volume 40, (July 2014 – August 2014 edition)

NJQS Product / Service Code Selection – Tips For Suppliers

Volume 39, (May 2014 – June 2014 edition)

How To Resolve Login Challenges on NipeX Portal

Volume 38, (March 2014 – April 2014 edition)

Participating in Advertised Tender Opportunities on the NipeX Portal

Volume 37, (January 2014 – February 2014 edition) 

How to Publish a Bid

Volume 36, (November 2013 – December 2013 edition) 

NipeX User Satisfaction Survey

Volume 35, (September 2013 – October 2013 edition) 

Supplier General Update of Information

Volume 34, (July 2013 – August 2013 edition)

Nigerian Petroleum Exchange (NipeX) Fees

Volume 33, (May 2013 – June 2013 edition)

Highlights Of Major Changes In The Upgraded NipeX System

Volume 32, (March 2013 – April 2013 edition)

Reverse Auction

Volume 31, (January 2013 – February 2013 edition)

The Winner Bid Phase

Volume 30, (November 2012 – December 2012 edition)

NipeX User Satisfaction Survey

Volume 29, (September 2012 – October 2012 edition)

Recurring Questions on the Use Of NipeX System

Volume 28, (July 2012 – August 2012 edition)

Resolving System (Transaction) Lock

Volume 27, (May 2012 – June 2012 edition)

Accessing Tender Advert Opportunities in NipeX

Volume 26, (March 2012 – April 2012 edition)

Improving on delays in the Contract Approval Process- Tips for Buyers

Volume 25, (January 2012 – February 2012 edition)

Understanding the NipeX Performance Feedback Module

Volume 24, (November 2011 – December 2011 edition)

NipeX User Satisfaction Surveys

Volume 23, (September 2011 – October 2011 edition)

Suppliers General Update of Information

Volume 22, (July 2011 – August 2011 edition)

NJQS Product/Service Code Additions

Volume 21, (May 2011 – June 2011 edition)

Contracting Process & Tips for Suppliers

Volume 20, (March 2011 – April 2011 edition)

Inability to log into NJQS

Volume 19, (January 2011 – February 2011 edition)

Reverse Auction

Volume 18, (November – December 2010 edition)

NipeX Product Category/Code Selection

Volume 17, (September – October 2010 edition)

NipeX User Satisfaction Surveys

Volume 16, (July – August 2010 edition)

NipeX Collaboration Room

Volume 15, (May – June 2010 edition)

Suppliers’ Talk-Back

Volume 14, (March – April 2010 edition)

JQS Audit Process

Volume 13, (January – February 2010 edition)

Tender Advert Publication

Volume 12, (November – December 2009 edition)

Interview with Mgr eMarketplace

Volume 11, (September – October 2009 edition)

User Satisfaction Surveys

Volume 10, (July – August 2009 edition)

Supplier Pre-qualification Process

Volume 9, (May – June 2009 edition)

Shopping Cart Functionality

Volume 8, (March – April 2009 Edition)

Password Reset

Volume 7, (January – February 2009 Edition)

Reporting & Analytical Services

Volume 6, (November – December 2008 Edition)

Reverse Auctions

Volume 5, (September – October 2008 Edition)


Volume 4, (July – August Edition)

Online Approval

Volume 3, (May – June Edition)

Industry Collaboration Room

Volume 2, (March – April Edition)

Supplier Pre-qualification

 Volume 1 (January – February 2008 Edition)

Introducing NipeX JQS